Email Photo Tab


What is an email photo tab?

An email photo tab is a tab function that allows a user to take a picture and send it directly to an email address specified by you. For example, you can create an email photo tab titled “Party Cam” and have the photo emailed directly to you to place on your restaurants facebook page or customer photo wall. The uses for this tab are limitless. You can customize the image background, email, and email subject.


What are the best uses for a email photo tab?

The uses for this are pretty limitless. Here are some ideas:

Restaurant – party cam, fan cam, guest cam, basically allow customers to upload photos directly to the restaurant to show how much fun they had at dinner. Throw in incentives such as being featured on your facebook or website under customer of the week etc.

Lawyer – accident cam, legal cam, lawyer cam, basically allow clients to send in photos relating to their case or to start a case.

News or Blog – news cam, tip cam, basically allow users to submit a story tip with a photo attached.

Again, the users are endless, you just have to be creative!




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