GPS Coupon Tab


What is a GPS coupon tab?

The GPS Coupon tab is a way for businesses to reward frequent customers with incentives for repeat business. It works by reading the mobile phone’s GPS coordinates and then checks to see if they are at the same coordinates as your businesses location! When they accumulate enough check-ins they get their check-in incentive (i.e. free drinks, food, discount, etc!).

You get to set how many “check-ins” are needed to unlock your incentive and how many hours or days before they are allowed to check in once again.

What are the best uses for QR Coupons?

If your organization has special offers or coupons, such as restaurants or services like salons or skydiving, you should be taking advantage of QR Coupons. These coupons can be fun and entertaining to the end user if implemented correctly. You should post the QR code in different locations around your establishment, such as by the cashiers or on the door when entering. QR coupons also help increase word of mouth advertisement of your firm by adding in a new and exciting way for consumers to connect to your business.

QR Coupons are the new stamp card. Instead of getting a piece of paper with stamps each time they buy your service or product they can now just use their mobile device and your app.

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